BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Centre for Learning and Teaching//Events Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240919T204622Z DTSTART:20241016T170000Z DTEND:20241016T180000Z SUMMARY:Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in SoTL DESCRIPTION:Wednesday\, October 16\n2–3 p.m.\nOnline via Microsoft Teams\nLink to the session registration page\nThe aim of this session is to provide an overview of the foundational concepts in qualitative research methods as they apply to the design of teaching and learning research. We will explore the purpose of qualitative research and the methodological characteristics that distinguish it from quantitative research. We will also discuss key qualitative paradigms and approaches\, such as phenomenology and grounded theory\, the role of the researcher in qualitative studies\, and strategies to enhance the trustworthiness of qualitative research. The session will conclude with guidance on formulating research questions in qualitative studies. This session is the first in a series on qualitative research methods\; subsequent sessions will cover reliability\, data collection methods\, data coding\, and analysis.\nFacilitator\nDr. Nasim Tavassoli – Educational Developer (Student Development) with the Centre for Learning and Teaching\nIntended Audience\n\nFaculty\nStaff \nGraduate Students\nOpen to external people\n\nThis session is part of the SoTL Scholars Program annual series of workshops on the topic of SoTL. URL:/dept/clt/events-news/Calendar%20of%20Events/2024/10/03/introduction_to_qualitative_research_methods_in_sotl.html UID:/dept/clt/events-news/Calendar%20of%20Events/2024/10/03/introduction_to_qualitative_research_methods_in_sotl/_jcr_content/contentPar/dcalfacultyevent.html END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR