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Friday January 26, 2024
Room 310
College of Pharmacy
11:30 – 12:30
Seminar Title:
Research Impact Assessment: A case study from the Canadian Network for Observational Drug Effect Studies
Dr Ingrid Sketris, ±«Óãtv University
Skills in Research Impact Assessment can be useful for:
- Graduate students (for post-doc and job applications);
- Researchers (for job satisfaction, demonstrating value from grants, grants applications, promotions, career awards and prizes);
- Deans (for gaining resources, and engaging alumni); and
- University administrators (for attracting students and faculty, documenting scientific and community impact and international rankings)
A case study will be presented of how a research network, the Canadian Network for Observational Drug Effect Studies, developed a research impact evaluation framework with a logic model and theory of change and has used this framework to assess its research output and impact.
For further information contact: Ingrid Sketris Or email:
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