Organic Field Crop Management
This five-module course introduces you to organic principles and practices applied to the production and management of field crops.
You will learn how to optimize crop yield and quality in the context of organic farming principles, sustainable soil and nutrient management, and organic certification requirements.
Soil and field management practices in organic systems
Learn organic methods of building and maintaining soil fertility, preserving soil structure, conserving and recycling nutrients, reducing weed pressure, and reducing outbreaks of pests and disease.
Nutrient management planning in organic systems
Learn strategies for optimizing the efficiency of nutrient cycling, improving resource utilization, and minimizing nutrient loss on the farm.
Organic production methods of forages
Focus on forages for pasture, hay, silage, cover crops, or green manure.
Organic row crop production
Learn about cereal row crops (corn, sorghum), root crops (carrots, potatoes), seed legumes (soybean, peas, beans) and others such as hemp.
Organic small grain production
Learn about winter seeded grains (winter wheat, winter rye) and spring seeded grains (spring wheat, oats and bar