– Unique cover crops, rootstocks, and irrigation techniques for Canadian vineyards. [PDF 11.4 MB]
Activity 16 – Physical control of pests and increasing the harvesting season via an innovative high tunnel adapted to organic berry farming, rain shelter and insect proof nets.
Pest Management
 – Optimizing tillage and competitive green manures for Canada thistle control. [PDF 1.77 MB]
 – Potential of predatory bugs (Nabis and Orius) as biological control agents of the tarnished plant bug (Lygus lineolaris) in organic strawberry field. [PDF 6.77 MB]
 – Saponins as inducers of host resistance for insect and disease management in organic greenhouse production. [PDF 6.10 MB]
 – Ecological pest management for Spotted Wing Drosophila. [PDF 7.79 MB]
 – Managing wireworms in vegetable crops. [PDF 2.28 MB]
 – Biological control and management of Fusarium head blight and associated diseases in organic grain production. [PDF 3.52 MB]
 – Optimization of berry by-products use in organic poultry production. [PDF 11.9 MB]
 – Welfare friendly alternative to surgical castration for organic pigs. [PDF 3.35 MB]
–The effects on soil biology, soil chemistry, and water quality of amending organically managed soils with struvite. [PDF 8.12 MB]
 – Soil health in organic tillage-based systems. [PDF 9.81 MB]
 – Increasing pollination, biological control and beneficial insect diversity farms using flowering habitats. [PDF 5.04 MB]
Activity 29 – Net life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of Canadian organic field crop production systems