

Biological Weed Control in Organic Cropping Systems

Practical Resources

    • Cornell University
    • Rodale Institute. 2005
    • Pest Management Centre. 2009

Scientific Results

    • Journal of Applied Ecology (2003) 40: 824-836
    • Biological Control (2006) 36: 305-315
    • Environmental Entomology (2010) 39:164-168
    • Biological Control (2018) 117:109-114
    • Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2013) 177: 58-62
    • Weed Science (2005) 53: 69-76
    • Weed Science (2015) 63: 916-927
    • Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (2007) 118: 49-54
    • Annals of Applied Biology (2017) 172:148-159
    • Journal of Natural Products (2003) 66: 1558-1561
    • Agricultural and Forest Entomology (2016) 18: 167-173
    • Biological Control (2004) 30: 634-644
    • Weed Science (2015) 63: 335-376
    • Journal of Applied Ecology (2006) 43: 999-1010
    • Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2010) 137: 329-336
    • Agronomy Journal (1996) 88: 860-866