Undergraduate Music Studies

The Fountain School of Performing Arts provides a wide variety of programs for students who want to specialize in music studies.Ìý Many music elective classes and ensembles are also available to non-majors who want to increase both musical awareness as a listener and involvement as a performer.

Music Programs

Bachelor of Music

Our four-year Bachelor of Music will prepare you for a career or advanced study in performance, composition, or musicology. In the first two years of study, you'll focus in on foundational skills in theory, musicianship, and history, while developing your applied skills in one-on-one applied lessons and ensembles tailored to your skills and interests. 

In third and fourth year, your studies can become more focused, depending on your goals. Students looking for a broad musical education can continue with the BMus general degree. Those who wish may also apply for one of three concentrations: Composition, Musicology, or Performance. Your applied instructor and the Academic Advisor for Music will help you make this decision, and will prepare you for the application/audition process. 

See the for curriculum and requirements and contact the Academic Advisor for Music if you have more questions: fspa.music@dal.ca

Bachelor of Arts, Music

Our four-year BA Music program combines the core elements of the Bachelor of Music program with interdisciplinary studies. If you wish to explore music in the context of other fields, this may be the program for you! A BA Honours in Music is also available, allowing for interdisciplinary study at a more advanced level.

See the for curriculum and requirements and contact the Academic Advisor for Music if you have more questions: fspa.music@dal.ca

Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science Combined Honours and Double-Majors

Many students are hoping to enter a profession in which a working knowledge of music will support their career, such as library science, media programming and production, arts management, recreational and therapeutic work, or music production. Our four-year BA or BSc Combined Honours with Music programs are a great option for you if you are seeking this kind of career.

Bachelor of Arts, Combined Honours

This degree combines Music and another Arts and Social Science subject in preparation for careers like music librarian, media programming and production, studio work, arts management, and writing.

Bachelor of Science, Combined Honours

This degree is individually tailored for those interested in combining a study of a specific Science with musical training. 

BA or BSc Double Major

Studies in almost any other field offered at ±«Óãtv can be combined with Music to create a double major. Please be in contact with the Academic Advisor for Music to create your dream degree: fspa.music@dal.ca.

See the for curriculum and requirements.

Cooperative Degree Programs with University of King's College

We offer the following degree programs in cooperation with the University of King’s College:

  • Bachelor of Music with King’s Foundation Year (FYP)
  • Bachelor of Journalism with Music History Option
  • Bachelor of Arts combined honours in Contemporary Studies

You also have the option of pursuing a BA Music and an honours BA Music through the University of King’s College. Please consult the for further information including curriculum and registration details.

Cooperative Bachelor of Music Degree with NSCC

Complete both a diploma and a bachelor of music in four years by combining two years of the Musical Arts program at Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) with the final two years of a Bachelor of Music degree at ±«Óãtv's Fountain School of Performing Arts.

Students who have completed the 2-year Music Arts program from NSCC with a minimum average of 70% and a minimum passing grade in NSCC courses as listed below may apply for admission with advanced standing to the third year of ±«Óãtv's Bachelor of Music Degree program. 

NSCC Music Arts graduates will normally receive 60 credit hours toward the 120-credit hour BMus (including the General Degree or concentrations). Student must have obtained the NSCC minimum passing grade in all courses, and must meet Dal’s entrance criteria, including an audition and a portfolio of composition, where applicable, to be accepted for advanced standing and entry to Dal’s Bachelor of Music.

Students must meet DAL’s admission criteria and deadlines as outlined in the ±«Óãtv Undergraduate Calendar. An additional audition may be required for students entering the Performance concentration. ±«Óãtv’s Registrar is the final authority on admission decisions at ±«Óãtv.

List of required NSCC courses:

- MART 1002 & 2002: Primary Instrument and Primary Instrument Workshop I & II

- MART 1006: Creative Music Technology

- BART 2020: Live Presentation and Performance I

- MART 1010: Songwriting I

- MART 1003: Creative Ensemble for Live and Studio Performance I

- MART 2003: Creative Ensemble for Live and Studio Performance II

- MART 1000: Music Theory I

- MART 2000: Music Theory II

-MART 1001 & 2001: Ear Training 1 & II

- MART 1004 & 2004: Keyboard Techniques I & II

- MART 2011: Marketing and Self-Promotion for Musicians I

See the for curriculum and requirements and contact the Academic Advisor for Music if you have more questions: fspa.music@dal.ca

Minor Programs

If you don't want to pursue a degree program in Music but still wish to take applied study in Music or explore some of our elective Music classes, consider adding a Music Minor to your degree! We offer the following minors:

Get in touch with our Academic Advisor for Music to discuss the possibilities: fspa.music@dal.ca

Apply now! View the application and audition process for Music undergraduate studies.