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Dr. Matthews and colleagues awarded CIHR funding to establish a network for Canadian oral health research

Posted by Marilyn Klein on July 3, 2012 in Research, Awards

Dr. Debora Matthews of the Department of Dental Clinical Sciences has been awarded approximately $600,000 from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and $225,000 in partnership funding to establish a Network for Canadian Oral Health Research. The network team led by Dr. Matthews involves representatives from all ten Canadian dental faculties and schools.

Although Canada is home to a number of internationally known oral health researchers, until now, most have worked individually or in small groups. A lack of coordination and support has limited the potential for collaboration between oral health researchers from different disciplines and geographic areas.

The creation of the Network for Canadian Oral Health Research will link oral health researchers from across the country and enable collaboration between researchers from various disciplines. The Network will also promote knowledge translation among oral health researchers, health care providers, industry and the public.

The initial activities of the Network will include:   

  • a national registry of oral health researchers and resources available for sharing
  • team building workshops to bring together researchers with common research interests
  • a scholar-in-resident program and student workshops to expand the educational and
  • training opportunities for the next generation of Canadian oral health researchers
  • communications tools and activities including a website, newsletters, working papers and knowledge exchange workshops

Ultimately it is hoped that the network will create ways for oral health researchers to share ideas and resources so that they can work together to improve the oral health of Canadians.

In addition to funding provided by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Institute for Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis, partner and in-kind funding for the Network will be provided by: Dentistry Canada Fund, The Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry, the Network for Oral and Bone Health Research/Reseau de recherché en santé buccodentaire et osseuse, The Canadian Dental Association, and each of the ten Canadian dental faculties/schools.