: "Indigenous History and Health" Part 2"
Please join us for the second of a two-part serious on Indigenous History and Health provided by ±«Óătv University graduate students from the Indigenous Health Interest Group. Part 2 will focus on current issues in health, including health inequities. -- Indigenous Health Interest Group|±«Óătv University Tupper Theatre D - 2nd Floor Clinical Research Centre
5849 University Avenue, Halifax, NS
12:00PM to 1:00PM
:"Communicative Disorders Assistants: Collaborative Care in the Workplace" -- Harmony Roberts|Communications Disorders Technician, Nova Scotia Hearing and Speech Classroom C264 - 2nd Floor Collaborative Health Education Building, 5793 University Avenue, Halifax, NS. Time -- 12:00PM to 1:00PM
:"Enhanced Central Gain" Neural Basis for TInnitus and Hyperacusis" -- Dr. Richard Salvi| Director for the Centre for Hearing and Deafness, University at Buffalo. Classroom C264 - 2nd Floor Collaborative Health Education Building, 5793 University Avenue, Halifax, NS. Time -- 12:00PM - 1:00 PM
: "Conversations on Cultural Humility in Rehabilitation Professions" -- Janna MacLachlan|OT Reg. (Ont.), PhD Candidate. Classroom C266 - 2nd Floor Collaborative Health Education Building, 5793 University Avenue, Halifax, NS. Time -- 12:00PM to 1:00PM
2018 - 2019
:“Indigenous History and Health: Part 1" Please join us for a two-part series on Indigenous History and Health provided by ±«Óătv University graduate students from the Indigenous Health Interest Group. Part 1 will focus on Indigenous History, while Part 2 (Fall semester 2019; dateto be determined) will focus on relevant issues in Indigenous Health. -- Indigenous Health Interest Group| ±«Óătv University. Classroom C264 - 2nd Floor Collaborative Health Education Building 5793 University Avene, Halifax, NS. Time -- 12:00PM to 1:00PM
:“An Overview of the KLLIC (Kindergarten Language and Literacy Intervention in Classrooms) and Lively Letters Program” -- Jennifer Norris, S-LP(C) | Speech-Language Pathologist, Chignecto Central Regional Centre for Education . Classroom 3H01 - 3rd Foor Tupper Medical Building 5850 College Street, Halifax, NS. Time -- 12:00PM to 1:00PM
: “Clinical pathological correlates of audiometric results: an otology perspective” -- Dr. Nael Shoman, MD | Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, Nova Scotia Health Authority & ±«Óătv University. Classroom C150 Collaborative Health Education Building 5793 University Avenue Halifax, NS. Time -- 12:00PM to 1:00PM
: “A Potential Mechanism for the Impact of Hearing Loss on Cognition” -- Dr. Jian Wang, PhD | Professor, SCSD | ±«Óătv University. Theatre 'D' Clinical Research Centre 5849 University Avenue Halifax, NS. Time -- 12:00PM to 1:00PM (please take the stair beyond Starbucks in Tupper Link)
: “Maintaining Privacy and Confidentiality under Nova Scotia Personal Health Information Act (PHIA): Considerations for Clinical Care, Research and Education” -- Alison Shea | Privacy Officer | ±«Óătv University. Rm 3H01 - 3rd Floor Tupper Building 5850 College Street Halifax, NS. Time -- 12:00PM to 1:00PM
2017 - 2018
: “Language assessment in children from immigrant and refugee backgrounds." Dr. Tamara Sorenson Duncan, PhD Department of Psychology and Neuroscience | ±«Óătv University Please note this event is taking place in Tupper Theatre D - 2nd Floor Theatre Clinical Research Centre (5849 University Avenue -- Starbuck's end of the Tupper Link). Time -- 12:30PM to 1:30PM
: “Childhood Apraxia of Speech: How Will I Know?” Deborah Trager, S-LP(C), Reg. SACSpeech-Language Pathologist, Nova Scotia Hearing & Speech Centres. Please note this event is taking place in Room C264 Collaborative Health Education Building. Time -- 5:30PM to 6:30PM
January 8, 2018: “The effect of noise and second language on turn taking in task-oriented dialog.” Dr. Ewen MacDonald Associate Professor - Technical University of Denmark. Please note this event is taking place in Room C264 Collaborative Health Education Building. Time -- 12:00PM to 1:00PM
: "What women and men want you to hear about working with a hearing loss.” Dr. Mary Beth Jennings, PhD Associate Professor – School of Communication Sciences and Disorders National Centre for Audiology, Graduate Program in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences Western University. Please note that our event is taking place in Rm 170 of the Collaborative Health Education Building (5793 University Avenue). Time -- 3:30PM to 5:00PM
: "Supporting Behaviour Change in Clients and Families” Dr. Jill Chorney, PhD, RPsych Clinical Psychologist with the Complex Pain Team at the IWK Health Centre Assistant Professor of Anesthesia at ±«Óătv University. Please note that our event is taking place in Tupper Theatre C - 1st floor Tupper Link (across from Starbucks - next to the vending machines) 5850 College Street. Time -- 12:30PM to 1:30PM
2016 - 2017
: "Accent and Communic ation: The Speech-Language Pathologist’s Perspective" Dr. Michael Kiefte, PhD, Professor, SHCD ±«Óătv University and Bonita Squires, MSc HUCD (S-LP), S-LP(C), Candidate PhD Health, ±«Óătv Accent Clinic. Please note that our event is taking place in Rm 170 of the Collaborative Health Education Building (5793 University Avenue). Time -- 3:30PM to 4:30PM
November 25, 2016: The SHCD Diversity Committee presents a screening of the film"Of Mice and Men," in Classroom 1 beginning at 3:30pm.
: “Design thinking’s role in healthcare Glen Hougan, Assistant Professor, Design, NSCAD University.
: “Hospital experiences of children with intellectual disabilities, their parents, and nurses who cared for them.” Presented by Drs Aston and Price.
2015 - 2016
: "Alzheimer's Disease Presenting as a Language Disorder." Presented by Sultan Darvesh, MD, PhD, FRCPC
: “Intervening early in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Research from the IWK Autism Research Centre.” Presented by Isabel Smith, PhD
- Posted November 19, 2015 [PDF - 181kb]
CANCELLEDOctober 28, 2015 SHCD Colloquium - event to be re-scheduled for February 2016
- Posted September 28, 2015 [PDF - 72kb]
2014 - 2015
- Posted January 12, 2015 [PDF - 72kb]
- Posted October 20, 2014 [PDF - 37kb]
- Updated September 25, 2014 [PDF - 40kb][PDF - 676kb]