BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Schulich School of Law//Events Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240919T213522Z DTSTART:20240917T210000Z DTEND:20240917T233000Z SUMMARY:Dal Innovation Week Event: Falling Walls Lab\, Atlantic Canada DESCRIPTION:The global Falling Walls Lab pitch competition is coming to Halifax as part of Dal Innovation Week\, and you’re invited.\nAt this lightning-fast event\, some of Atlantic Canada’s brightest minds will share groundbreaking research\, disruptive technologies\, and transformative ideas to change the world for the better.\nFeaturing innovations that promise to eliminate plastic pollution\, power farming with artificial intelligence\, fight cancer-causing viruses\, build better batteries and much more\, Falling Walls is a barrage of brilliance and you’ve got a front-row seat.\nThe victor of the night will compete in Berlin\, Germany against winners from nearly 100 competitions around the globe at the world-renowned Falling Walls Science Summit.\nLast year\, Atlantic Canada’s winner was ±«Óãtv PhD student Joseph Bedard\, who went on to take the grand prize in Berlin!\n\nCost: No cost. \n\nAdditional Information: Register for free tickets online.\nLearn more about Falling Walls Lab global pitch competition. LOCATION:Richard Murray Design Building\, Irving Oil Auditorium\, Room G109\n5257 Morris St URL:/faculty/law/news-events/events/2024/09/17/dal_innovation_week_event__falling_walls_lab__atlantic_canada.html UID:/faculty/law/news-events/events/2024/09/17/dal_innovation_week_event__falling_walls_lab__atlantic_canada/_jcr_content/contentPar/dcalfacultyevent.html END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR