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Student team showcases work of ±«Óătv researcher and wins top prize

Posted by Mac Bagnell on July 28, 2023 in Students, Research, News

For the second year in a row, a team of students in the Faculty of Management has been given the . Hosted by Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio, the team — Lena Fine, Angelo Knowles, Adam Bahloul and George Radomsky (pictured above with Dr. Alan Fine) — focused their work on Alentic Microscience, a Halifax company which is developing a blood-testing device.

Students highlight device that can address inequities in healthcare

This team’s project was selected from hundreds submitted from around the world. They conducted their research while studying business ethics with Professor Kent Williams, who saw three more teams make it to the semi-finals of the competition.

Aim2Flourish highlights innovative projects and initiatives that align with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which were established in 2015. Student teams identify and share inspiring stories of businesses that create social and environmental value and impact.

Lena Fine knew that her father’s company, Alentic Microscience, embodied goal #3: ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for people of all ages. Fully disclosing to the team that her father was the CEO, she asked if they’d like to visit his laboratory at ±«Óătv University.

Angelo Knowles says once the team made the visit, they knew this was the company to highlight. “It was great that we had access,” he says, adding, “we got to see firsthand what this thing does.”

Dr. Alan Fine, who’s also a professor at ±«Óătv University, introduced them to Prospector 1.0. He explained how this simple blood-testing device can address healthcare inequities and bridge the gap between developed and developing nations. The team believes the device’s speed, simplicity and portability are just a few of its attributes.

Teamwork can lead to change

Sandi Stewart, a TA in the business ethics course, says she believes in the broad impact of the Aim2Flourish program. "It is crucial to not only celebrate the deserving award recipients but also recognize the profound value of the students' collective experience." Stewart says engaging with businesses that actively embrace the SDGs in their daily operations is an achievement worth celebrating.

Assistant Professor Kent Williams, who facilitates the business ethics course, emphasizes the importance of teamwork.

“Right from the very beginning of the course, we build shared values,” he says. By fostering an environment where teammates become acquainted with one another, he ensures that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals.

Professor Williams often shares a favourite quote by American social scientist Margaret Mead with his students: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."