

Dawson Geology Club


Standing: Fabrizio Aumento, Douglas Grant
Sitting: Charlotte Davidson, Roger Parsons

This Year's activities commenced with the Convention of Maritime University Geological Societies held at Mount Allison, where our representative, Don Barrett, spoke on his work in geophysical oceanography.

Speakers at formal evening meetings were notably J.P. Messervey, former Deputy Minister of Mines for Nova Scotia and our Dr. Dawson who described his exploits in the Tanganyika volcanic province.

The field trips include a trip to Shaw's Brick and Tile Plant in Lantz, underground excursions to the Walton barite-silver mine and the Pugwash salt mine, and an expedition to Cape Blomidon.

At numerous times during the year, the executive went on convention and business trips to New York, Houston, Denver and Chicago.