BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences//Events Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240919T204506Z DTSTART:20230713T143000Z SUMMARY:Black Scholar Initiative Search Teaching Seminar DESCRIPTION:Dr Egide Kalisa\nResearch Scientist\nAir Quality Research Division\nEnvironment Canada and Climate Change\n \nTitle: Air Pollution and Health\nIn this course\, students/audiences will be able to understand fundamental and practical concepts related to air pollution. The course covers key air pollutants\, types of air pollution\, principal sources\, and their effects on people\, plants\, and buildings. At the end of the course\, policy and institutional context of air quality management at the local\, regional and global levels will be discussed. The course has no specific prerequisites.\n\n\nBiography: Egide Kalisa is a Research Scientist in Air Quality Research Division at Environment Canada and Climate Change. Dr. Kalisa completed a Postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Toronto\, and his research focuses on children’s exposure to air pollution in Rwanda and Canada. Before that\, he obtained a Ph.D. in Health and Environmental Science from the Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand and an MSc in Air Pollution Management and Control from the University of Birmingham in the UK. Dr. Kalisa is the recipient of the Emerging Global Leader Award\, recognizing the great potential of promising young scientists LOCATION:Format: in-person\nMilligan Room (8th floor LSC Biology Wing) URL:/faculty/science/earth-environmental-sciences/news-events/2023/07/13/new_ees_hire_teaching_presentation.html UID:/faculty/science/earth-environmental-sciences/news-events/2023/07/13/new_ees_hire_teaching_presentation/_jcr_content/contentPar/dcalfacultyevent.html END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR