

Peter Duinker

Professor Emeritus (Retired)


Related information

Email: peter.duinker@dal.ca
Phone: 902-494-3632
Mailing Address: 
Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building
±«Óãtv University
6100 University Ave, Suite 5024,
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS B3H 4R2



  • BScAgr, University of Guelph
  • MES, ±«Óãtv University
  • PhD, University of New Brunswick
  • PDF, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

Research interests

Dr. Duinker currently focuses his research efforts on urban forests.  He studies both the biophysical and socio-political dimensions of sustainable urban-forest management and policy.  Other major interests include environmental assessment and climate change.  Most of his research is conducted on ecosystems in Canada and Europe.

Selected publications

  • Duinker, P.N. and J.W.N. Steenberg. 2023. Urban Forestry Ecology. In: Oxford Bibliographies in Ecology (D. Gibson, editor). Oxford University Press, New York, NY.
  • Duinker, P.N., P.G. Bush, J. Brazner, M. MacPhail, B. Stewart, and E. Woudstra. 2023. Forest conservation through protection of old growth: the case of Nova Scotia. Forestry Chronicle 99(2):1-8.
  • Steenberg, J.W.N., M. Ristow, P.N. Duinker, L. Lapointe-Elmrabti, J.D. MacDonald, D.J. Nowak, J. Pasher, C. Flemming, and C. Samson. 2023. A national assessment of urban forest carbon storage and sequestration in Canada. Carbon Balance and Management 18:11. .
  • Steenberg, J.W.N., J. Laganiere, N.W. Ayer, and P.N. Duinker. 2023. Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions from forest bioenergy production in combined heat and power projects in Nova Scotia, Canada. Forest Science: forthcoming.
  • Turner, K.E. and P.N. Duinker. 2023. Managing Woodland Riparian Ecosystems in Nova Scotia: Do the Current Buffer Regulations Measure Up? Report to Wildlife Division, Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, Kentville, NS.

Selected awards and honours

  • International Association for Impact Assessment 2015 Individual Award
  • Royal Galipeau Award of Distinction, Tree Canada (2020)

Service & Activity

  • Member, Nova Scotia Forest Biodiversity Science Advisory Committee