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Notice of Senate meeting

Posted by ±«Óătv University Senate on September 12, 2012 in General Announcements

Notice of Meeting
±«Óătv University Senate

Monday, September 17, 2012
4:00pm - 6:00pm
University Hall, Macdonald Building


1. Approval of Agenda    
2. Consent Agenda

2.1. Approval of Draft Minutes of June 11, 2012 Senate Meeting
2.2. SNC:  Nominations to Senate Standing Committees
Motion:  THAT items 2.1 and 2.2 be approved by Consent.
3. Matters Arising from the June 11, 2012 Senate Minutes    
4. Chair of Senate's Report    
5.  President's Report    

6.     In Camera:  Honorary Degree Nomination - Tom Traves, Chair, Senate
Honorary Degree Committee

7.    Senate Planning and Governance Committee: Senate Forum on
Undergraduate Education - Update - Alan Pinder, Chair, Senate Forum Planning
6. ±«Óătv University Academic Priorities - Carolyn Watters,
Vice-President, Academic and Provost
7. Question Period
8. Other Business