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Notice of ±«Óãtv Senate meeting

Posted by ±«Óãtv University Senate on January 11, 2013 in General Announcements

Monday, January 14, 2013
4:00pm - 6:00pm
University Hall, Macdonald Building

1. Approval of Agenda
2. Consent Agenda
2.1. Approval of Draft Minutes of November 26, 2012 Senate Meeting
2.2. SPGC:  Name Change – Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
Motion:  THAT  items 2.1 - 2.2 be approved by Consent.
3. Matters Arising from the November 26, 2012 Senate Minutes
3.1 Communication regarding the revised Policy on Student Submission of
4. Chair of Senate’s Report
5.  President’s Report
6.  DSU President’s Report
7.  Senate Planning and Governance Committee: Relocation of the Marine
Affairs Program
8. Budget Advisory Committee: Discussion Paper on the Operating Budget
Plan for 2013-2014    
Presenter:  Carolyn Watters, Chair, Budget Advisory Committee
9. Enrolment Management Report
Presenter:  Åsa Kachan, Assistant Vice-President (Enrolment Management) &
10. Building Research at Dal Presentation
Presenter:  Martha Crago, Vice-President, Research
11. Question Period
12. Other Business