» Go to news mainMosaic Calendar ‑ August 1 ‑ 7
See below for a sample of dates to observe, reflect, celebrate or promote throughout the university community. The full calendar is available on the website,
August 1
Kamal (BA)
The eighth month in the Baha’i Calendar called is called Kamal meaning “perfection” and usually starts July 31 at sundown. The Baha’i calendar months are named after attributes or qualities of God. Throughout all the writings of the Manifestations of God (Prophets) these qualities and/or terms are used throughout.
Lunasa or Lammas (WICCA)
In some English-speaking countries in the Northern Hemisphere, Lammas Day is the festival of the first wheat harvest of the year. On this day it was customary to bring to church a loaf made from the new crop, which began to be harvested at Lammastide.
Natal Day
Natal Day is the annual birthday celebration of the communities of Halifax and Dartmouth. It is a time where citizens, former citizens, guests and tourists celebrate our civic holiday.
August 6
Transfiguration (CH)
Commemoration of the experience on Mount Tabor when Jesus’ physical appearance became brilliant as his connection with traditional Jewish holy figures became evident to the disciples.
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