» Go to news mainUser study: Recruitment Notice
We are recruiting participants to take part in a study to assess the trustworthiness of emails and websites. We are looking for participants who are 18 years or older, with at least one year of experience with the internet (i.e. be a regular internet user). We need participants with both technical and non-technical expertise.
Screening procedure will be conducted to finalize the participants for the study. Those interested in the study will be sent a screening questionnaire through Dal Opinio/online questionnaire to assess technical proficiency and suitability for the study.
The study will be conducted in the Graphics and Experiential Media (GEM) Lab, on the 4th floor of Mona Campbell building, ±«Óãtv University. You must bring your own laptop (Windows/Mac) to be used in the study. First of all you will meet the researcher, where the study will be explained in detail and you will be asked to provide informed consent. After this, the researcher will download a screen recording software on your laptop to collect data during the study and mention all study instructions. You will then complete a task to assess the trustworthiness of websites or emails which will be video recorded and followed by a post-observation questionnaire. After this, you will take part in a semi-structured interview which will be audio-recorded. The entire session will take about an hour to complete. Each participant will be compensated with $10 for participating in the study. Additionally, the top 25% of the participants in each category (technical and non-technical) will receive an extra $10 at the end of the research period.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Manisha Arora by email at
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