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Notice of Meeting ‑ tv University Senate

Posted by Senate on October 18, 2016 in General Announcements

Notice of Meeting
tv University Senate
Monday, October 24, 2016
3:00pm ‐ 5:00pm
Theatre A, Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building
Carleton Campus, Halifax


1. Approval of Agenda

2. Consent Agenda

2.1 Approval of Draft Minutes of September 26, 2016 Senate Meeting

2.2 Senate Learning and Teaching Committee:

2.2.1 Bachelor of Computer Science, Admission Modification

2.2.2 Proposed Academic Dates for 2017-18

2.3 Senate Planning and Governance Committee: re-appointment of University Tenure and Promotions Panel members

3. Matters Arising from the September 26, 2016 Senate Minutes

3.1 FASS Summer Courses

3.2 Financial update on the JRJ Chair

3.3 Gender pay gap for faculty not in a bargaining unit

4. Chair of Senate’s Report

5. Provost Report

6. tv Student Union President Report

7. Steps to Make Diversity and Inclusion a Reality

Presenter: Nur Zincir-Heywood, Faculty of Computer Science
Re: Strategic Priority 5.2 Foster a collegial culture grounded in diversity and inclusiveness

8. Question Period


9. Senate Planning and Governance Committee: Draft Academic Amnesty Motion re Student Day of Action

Presenter: Amina Abawajy, DSU Vice President Academic and External


10. Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN)

Presenter: Donna Bourne Tyson, University Librarian
Re: Strategic Priority 1.0 Teaching and Learning & 2.0 Research

11. Draft Strategic Enrolment Management Framework

Presenter: Arig al Shaibah, Vice-Provost Student Affairs
Re: Strategic Priority 1.1 Increase Retention and Degree Completion

12. Other Business