» Go to news mainStudy Skills Workshops (Halifax)
±«Óãtv's Studying for Success Program (Halifax Campuses) has workshops, available to all students, at no additional cost to them. This week's workshops can teach them to: give more dynamic presentations, work as a team, read more critically, and learn how to study for multiple choice exams:
Working in a Group - Getting Started (#1)
Mon Feb 6
Mona Campbell Bdg. Room 1108
Presentation & Speaking Skills
Tues Feb 7
Mona Campbell Bdg. Room 1108
Working in a Group - Moving Forward (#2)
Wed Feb 8
Mona Campbell Bdg. Room 1108
Effective Reading Strategies
Thurs Feb 9
Mona Campbell Bdg. Room 2107
A, B, or C? Strategies for Multiple Choice Exams
Fri Feb 10
Mona Campbell Bdg. Room 1108
Check out our website: , like us on Facebook (±«Óãtv Studying for Success), and follow us on Twitter (@DalStudySuccess) for more info.
Students can register for workshops online, or they can:
- visit our main office on Studley Campus, in Killam, Room G28 (Main floor)
- call (902) 494-3077
- email the Coordinator at: or
- simply show up to the specific workshop and sign the attendance sheet
If students are unable to attend any workshop due to scheduling conflicts, they may always make an appointment for an individual session with a study coach. Just call or email to book.
For services on the Agricultural campus, contact Student Services in Truro at: Phone: (902) 893-6672 or Email:
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