» Go to news main±«Óãtv University Club AGM today
Posted by ±«Óãtv University Club on
June 1, 2017
General Announcements
Did you know that you're likely a member of the ?
All full- and part-time employees and retirees of ±«Óãtv and King’s are considered members of the U-Club, along with grad students, postdocs, grant-paid employees, professional students (Law, Medicine, Dentistry) and alumni.
Want to learn more about the club and what it offers? Come to today's Annual General Meeting in the Club's Dining Room from 4-6 p.m. All are welcome to attend. A social will follow.
Recent News
- Electrical shutdown ‑ Sexton Campus
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- Job postings
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- Applications closing for Lab2Market Validate Foundations
- New legal information page
- Job postings
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