» Go to news mainMosaic Calendar ‑ June 1 ‑ 10
See below for a sample of dates. The full calendar is available on the website,
Thursday June 1
Second (Last) Day of Shavuot (JUDAISM)
Shavuot (Weeks; the plural of the Hebrew word for seven) marks the conclusion of the period of seven weeks that follows Pesaḥ. It is celebrated for two days in the diaspora and for one day in Israel and among Reform Jews.
Aboriginal History Month (Canada)
An opportunity to recognize the historic contributions of Aboriginal peoples towards the development of Canada in addition to acknowledge the strength of present-day Aboriginal communities and their promise for the future.
Sunday June 4
Pentecost is the commemoration of the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus following his ascension. It comes fifty days after Pascha (Easter).
Saicho Dengyo Daishi Memorial (BUDDHISM)
Anniversary of the death of Saicho Dengyo Daishi, who established the Tiantai/Tendai Sect in Japan.
Thursday June 9
Anniversary of the arrival of the Arahant Mahinda, son of King Asoka, who first brought Buddhism to Sri Lanka. Poson is characterised by day-long processions and ceremonies at Mihintale which is now the site of a great Buddhist temple at Ambasthale Dagoba.Â
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