Each Tuesday in Today@Dal for the month of October a mystery location and question will be posted about the campus on which you work – Agricultural, Carleton, Sexton, Studley. By noon on Friday, email your answer to healthy@dal.ca for a chance to win a weekly prize. Feel free to answer questions about more than one campus. Each entry will also be included in a grand prize draw at the end of October.​
For the week of October 8th:Â
Agriculture: There are two benches in the foyer of Cumming Hall's main floor. What do their plaques say?
Carleton: Who laid the cornerstone on the College of Pharmacy's Burbidge Building (5968 College Street)?
Sexton: What is the name noted on the heritage property sign at the location of the SITE Cooperative Education Office at 1334 Barrington Street?
Studley: How many circular windows are there on the Steele Ocean Sciences Building (facing Oxford Street)?
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