» Go to news mainPets of ±«Óãtv: Meet Alpha and Omega
Alpha and Omega are cats who live with Melanie Farrimond, assistant director and senior instructor with the Transition Year Program.
Name(s): Alpha and Omega
Nickname(s): Alfie and Omie
Species/breed: Not So Domestic Short Hair (Alfie) and Domestic Ridiculously Long Hair (Omie).
Age: Next week they celebrate their first birthdays!
Fave food: Alfie likes room temperature Friskies or important documents. Omie likes any and all food, feline and human.
Special tricks: Alfie can turn on the tap and put the oven on. Omie excels at flirting with Eastlink technicians.
Best quality: Alfie is snuggly. Omie is sweet.
Social media platform or handle, if available: Alfie and Omie are assistant editors and make regular appearances on The MONDAY Blog:
Read more about this series on Dal News. And don't forget to check out the previous pets we've featured in this space this month, Suzy, friendly fish, Cello, Fionn and Bran, Matou and Minou, Dodger, Shubie, Soca, Aspen, Reimer, Plum, Thomas T. Cat, Sean and Sir Walter & Lola, as well as those from previous months:
The month in pets: January
The month in pets: February
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