» Go to news mainTeaching Assistant position: Faculty of Science
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4J1 POSTING DATE: November 4th, 2021
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5:00 p.m. AST November 19th, 2021
POSITION: Teaching Assistants, SCIE 1111.03 WINTER TERM, 2022 (up to 6 x 130-hour assignments or 12 x 65-hour assignments)
PAY RATE: As per Collective Agreement, CUPE Local 3912
JOB SUMMARY: SCIE 1111, Writing for the Sciences, is a Writing Requirement course in the Faculty of Science. Duties of the Teaching Assistants include:
âąÂ Preparing and running weekly 50-minute tutorials (5 students per tutorial) for 11 weeks (two tutorials for 65-hour position, or four tutorials for 130-hour position)
âąÂ Providing light feedback on weekly writing exercises*
âąÂ Grading and providing substantive feedback on major assignments and tests (not including the ïŹnal exam) *
âąÂ Attending regular teaching team meetings (to be scheduled after hiring is complete)
âąÂ Attending some SCIE 1111 lectures over the term (Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 10:35-11:25 a.m.).
*(for 10 students for 65-hour position, or 20 students for 130-hour position)
Material in this course covers the following topics: scientiïŹc writing structure and style, rhetoric, research (including ethics and academic integrity), APA and CSE citation and formatting, the scientiïŹc paper (Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, and Abstract), visual communication (graphs, tables, and posters), grammar, punctuation, and sentence mechanics.
QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE: Applicants should be undergraduate students, graduate students, or recent university graduates with excellent academic writing skills. Background in science is desirable, as is experience with SCIE 1111.
To apply, or to inquire further about this position, please email Dr. Becca Babcock, Applications must be received by email, by the application deadline; please use the subject line SCIE 1111 Application [Your Full Name].
Include in your application:
âąÂ A cover letter explaining your suitability for this position
âąÂ A ranked list (by order of preference) of the tutorials you are available to teach (please see the academic timetable at for a tutorial list and schedule)âcan be included in  cover letter
âąÂ Your rĂ©sumĂ© or CV
âąÂ A brief sample of your writing (e.g., abstract of a paper).
Interviews will take place in the two weeks following the application deadline.
All oïŹers of employment as teaching assistants are conditional upon suïŹcient student enrolment in the course and approval by the University.
±«Óătv University is committed to fostering a collegial culture grounded in diversity and inclusiveness. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons, persons with a disability, racially visible    persons, women, persons of a minority sexual orientation and/or gender identity, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit hiringfordiversity.
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