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Seeking participants for RSV vaccine trial

Posted by Canadian Center for Vaccinology on January 9, 2025 in General Announcements

The Canadian Center for Vaccinology (CCfV) in Halifax is looking for participants in a clinical trial of an investigational vaccine that aims to protect babies from RSV. The trial is being conducted to see whether an investigational vaccine given to pregnant women may potentially help protect their babies during the vulnerable first few months by passing on immunity through the placenta. This process works for vaccines such as whooping cough, tetanus, flu and COVID-19.

RSV is a common virus that infects the lungs and respiratory tract - the parts of the body related to breathing. It can cause a runny nose, sore throat, cough and fever. RSV is the common cause of lower respiratory tract infections in children around the world. RSV can lead to serious respiratory tract problems like pneumonia (lung infection) and bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways in the lungs), especially in young children. Infants under 6 months of age are at greatest risk of developing severe RSV disease due to their immature respiratory and immune systems. In 2019, RSV was associated with over 100,000 deaths of children globally.

Am I eligible?

To join the RSVoyage trial, you must be:

  • 18 to less than 40 years of age at time of enrollment
  • in good health
  • 28 to 36 weeks pregnant at the time of the vaccination visit (you can still reach out to us if you are earlier than 28 weeks pregnant for advance screening)

What does this study involve?

Participation in the RSVoyage trial will last up to 15 months. This includes up to 3 months before you give birth and 12 months after you give birth.

  • you will have at least 8 in-person visits and 4 phone calls with the clinical trial team. After delivery, these visits and phone calls will include both you and your baby
  • you will receive one injection in the upper arm
  • you must complete electronic diary entries for 7 days after the injection; once your baby is born, you will complete eDiary entries regularly
  • you may stop participating in the trial at any time
  • qualified participants will receive payment for their time and travel

How do I participate?

For more information or to sign up, contact:

Karen Caballero
Phone: 902-470-8992
