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Still Alice

Posted by nte on January 11, 2016 in Films
Image courtesy of Sony Pictures Classics
Image courtesy of Sony Pictures Classics

Free public screening with expert-led panel discussion afterwards.
Monday, January 11, 2016 (7:00PM)
QEII Royal Bank Theatre, Halifax Infirmary, Main Floor, 1796 Summer St. entrance

Moderator: Facilitators:
(Bioethicist & Philosopher)
(Neurologist & Geriatrician)
Faye Forbes (Reverend & Patient advocate)

Synopsis: Dr. Alice Howland (Julianne Moore) is a renowned linguistics professor at Columbia University. When words begin to escape her and she starts becoming lost on her daily jogs, Alice must come face-to-face with a devastating diagnosis: early-onset Alzheimer's disease. As the once-vibrant woman struggles to hang on to her sense of self for as long as possible, Alice's three grown children must deal with the realities of their mother seeming to disappear more and more with each passing day. ()

Topics for discussion: Alzheimer disease, dementia, family caregivers, coping, resilience

Articles for further reading:
. Françoise Baylis reflects on the book Still Alice.
(Elissa Barnard, Chronicle Herald)
(Sheryl Ubelacker, Chronicle Herald)
(Anonymous, CBC News)
(Kate Taylor, The Globe & Mail)
(Ray Bradshaw, Global News)
(Sheryl Ubelacker, The Windsor Star)