2025 Uniform Information

Uniform update - February 2025

Thank you for your patience with our new uniform procedure. As you know, we put the program on hold before the holidays to give us time to work out some glitches.Your uniform committee met again Thursday, January 30 and we are pleased to share this update.

Facilities Management has entered into a contract with (formerly Mark's Work Wearhouse) to provide new uniforms to staff. A uniform committee made up of staff has worked together to choose the uniform styles and colours. 


Staff will receive:

  • FiveÌý²õ³ó¾±°ù³Ù²õ/³Ù´Ç±è²õ.
  • Three bottoms (pants/shorts/overalls)  
  • Term and Probationary employees will be entitled to 2 tops and 1 bottom; balance to be issued upon becoming a Regular employee.    

Staff will no longer have to physically go to a Mark’s store location.

All uniforms will be ordered online. We will be providing assistance and training on the online ordering process and will work with  supervisors to make this as simple as possible.


We will have each uniform shirt style in each size in Halifax at the Central Services Building and on campus in Truro. Staff will  be able to try on the samples, make their selection and then order them online.  


We’re now offering a more focused selection of pants, along with a spending allowance to help streamline your choices.  

We are still working with the committee to make the final selection and we will have more information about those details, including the spending allowance limits,  shortly.  


The shirts and pants will be delivered to the CSB in Halifax and the FM office in Truro and we will distribute from there. 

Custodial Uniforms

Custodians will wear navy except for the tunic which is only available in black. 

  • Custodians can wear navy or black pants/shorts or scrubs. No jeans.

Paint Shop Uniforms

Painters will wear white.

  • Coveralls and bib overalls are available as an option along with pants. Painters can choose white or black pants. No jeans.

Trades/Trucking/Grounds/Logistics Uniforms

These employees will wear charcoal.

  • Coveralls and bib overalls are available as an option along with pants in black or navy. No jeans.