Funding, News and Announcements
» Go to news mainNational Quantum Strategy
°ä²¹²Ô²¹»å²¹â€™sÌý aims to amplify Canada's significant strengths in quantum research; grow its quantum-ready technologies, companies and talent; and solidify Canada's global leadership in this area. It guides investments along three pillars − quantum research, talent and commercialization − toward achieving three key missions, in quantum computers and software, communications and sensors.
NSERC and the NRC are partnering through Alliance Quantum grants to launch a  to strengthen Canada's quantum research and innovation capacity in quantum sensing and advance the development and application of technologies in this domain for the benefit of Canadians.  and the  are also participating in this call for proposals through the provision of additional support toward projects.
Funding will support R&D partnerships among university researchers, NRC researchers and for-profit small- or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) which are federally and/or provincially/territorially incorporated in Canada. Other organizations from the private, public or not-for-profit sectors may join such partnerships.
NSERC will provide support toward eligible research costs incurred by the academic team. Through CSTIP, the NRC will provide contribution funding to the participating Canadian SME(s). Together, the two agencies will provide an envelope of up to $12 million over three years.
Information Webinars
Information webinars on this  will be held on the dates and at the times listed below. Sessions will be available in both English and French.
English sessions
Webinar ME1: February  1, 2024, from 2 - 4pm AST
; Meeting number: 2771 086 7775; Password: tjKrvPfy338
Webinar ME2: February 9, 2024, from 2 - 4pm AST
; Meeting number: 2774 080 2745; Password: teXp3a2ND7e
French sessions
Webinar MF1: February 2, 2024, from 2 - 4pm AST
; Meeting number: 2771 739 5474; Password: 92nVcV3mUmW
Webinar MF2: February 8, 2024, from 2 - 4pm AST
; Meeting number: 2771 330 3138; Password: F9f3kDjNWe9Â
Please refer to the  for more information. Applications will be accepted until June 14, 2024 at 9pm AST. If you have any questions, please contact
For questions regarding internal procedure, contact the grants facilitator for your faculty. For additional resources, click here for guidance on internal deadlines and submission processes.
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