Ricardo Arruda Monteiro da Silva

PhD Oceanography Candidate


email: cadoarruda@gmail.com
campus location: Ìę

Educational Background

  • Bachelor in Oceanography (University of Santa Catarina - Brazil)
  • Masters in physical, chemical and geological oceanography (University of Rio Grande - Brazil)

Research Interests

  • Marine carbon fluxes Ìę
  • Air-sea CO2 fluxes

Field Work

1. R/V Celtic Explorer cruise GO-SHIP 2017 - AO2 , in collaboration with Marine Institute, Ireland. St. Johns, NF, Canada to Galway, Ireland. Apr/May 2017. Chief scientist: Peter Croot.

2. R/V Poseidon P-519 cruise, in collaboration with GEOMAR, Helmholtz Zentrun ĂŒr Ozean - forschung, Kiel, Germany. Las Palmas, Gran Canaria to Mindelo, Cabo Verde. Jan/Feb 2018. Chief scientist: Tobias Steinhoff.

3. R/V Maria S. Merian cruise MSM-73 , in collaboration with GEOMAR, Helmholtz Zentrun ĂŒr Ozean - forschung, Kiel, Germany. Cadiz, Spain to St. Johns, NF, Canada. Apr/May 2018. Chief scientist: Dagmar Kieke.


Arruda, R. ; Atamanchuk, D. ; Cronin, M. ; Steinhoff, T. ; Wallace, D., At-sea intercomparison of sensor and analyzer-based underway pCO2 systems. OCEAN OBS’19, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2019

Atamanchuk, D. ; Arruda, R. ; Vining, M. ; Lai, J. ; Kehoe, D.; Barry, M. ; Johnson, B. ; McGovern, E. ; Cronin, M. ; Teng-Berg A. ; Wallace, D., A rugged, flowthrough, underway, biogeochemical measurement system which can be certified for installation on Volunteering Observing Ships. CMOS, 2018.


P.J. Duke, B. Richaud, R. Arruda, J. LĂ€nger, K. Schuler, P. Gooya, M.M.M. Ahmed, M.R. Miller, C.A. Braybrook, K. Kam, R. Piunno, Y. Sezginer, G. Nickoloff, and A.C. Franco. 2023. Canada's marine carbon sink: an early career perspective on the state of research and existing knowledge gaps. FACETS. 8(): 1-21.

Arruda, R., Atamanchuk, D., Cronin, M., Steinhoff, T. and Wallace, D.W.R. (2019), At‐sea intercomparison of three underway pCO2 systems. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods.

R. Arruda, P. H. R. Calil, A. A. Bianchi, S. C. Doney, N. Gruber, I. Lima, and G. Turi. (2015), Air-sea CO2 fluxes and the controls on ocean surface pCO2 seasonal variability in the coastal and open-ocean southwestern Atlantic Ocean: a modeling study. Biogeosciences, 12: 5793 - 5809.