

Greg Siddall

Mechanical Engineer

email: greg.siddall@dal.ca
phone: +1 902-471-0040
campus location: SOSB 1-37



Educational Background

  • B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Nova Scotia (TUNS)
  • Engineering Certificate, Mount Allison University
  • Extended Studies in Mathematics, Saint Mary's University

Research Interests

  • SeaCycler

Professional Experience

1987 - Present Senior Engineer & Project Leader, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, DFO Canada
2012 - 2014
Technology Transfer Specialist & Program Manager, Rolls-Royce Canada Limited - Naval Marine
1999 - 2000
Mechanical Design Engineer, Herzberb Institute of Astrophysics, NRC Canada


Send, U., G. Fowler, G. Siddall, B. Beanlands, M. Pittman, C. Waldmann, J. Karstensen and R. Lampitt. 2013.  SeaCycler: A moored open-ocean profiler for the upper ocean in extended self-contained deployments.  Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 30: 1,555–1,565.

Siddall, G., G. Fowler, B. Beanlands, M. Pittman, U. Send, and A. Furlong. 2012. "SeaCycler": A deep ocean profiler with full mooring two-way satellite communication.  Pages 493-501 in Proceedings of the Twenty-second (2012) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference sponsored by ISOPE.

Fowler, G., G. Siddall, and S. Prinsenberg. 2004. An energy conserving oceanographic profiler for use under mobile ice cover: ICYLER.  International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering 14: 176-181.

Roberts, S., J. Fitzsimmons, K. Szeto, A. Anthony, G. Siddall, R. Gaunt, P. Shott, J. Sebesta, K. Taylor, D. Duncan, 2000, Mechanical design of Altair, the Gemini-North adaptive optics system.  Proceedings of SPIE 2000 Conference, Vol. 4008, 956 (2000); doi:10.1117/12.395418

Steeves, G., G. Siddall, G. Awalt, B. Hargrave, 1993. "SMARTRAP". Pages I138 - I143 Vol.1  Proceedings of OCEANS '93 Conference sponsored by IEEE. Print ISBN: 0-7803-1385-2, INSPEC Accession Number: 4764165, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/OCEANS.1993.326016

Siddall, G., B. Hargrave, G. Steeves, 1994, Programmable Sediment Trap. Dec 1994 Issue, Sea Technology Magazine, 39-43

Hargrave, B., G. Siddall, G. Steve, G. Awalt, A Current-Activated Sediment Trap, 1995?, Limnology and Oceanography, in press