Dr. Leslie MacLaren was an invited panelist at the first ever in Ottawa last week, which was also the launch of the Canadian Centre for Food Integrity, an initiative by .
The Canadian Centre for Food Integrity has grown out of the realization by farmers and others in the food system that the public needs to hear more about how we produce food in Canada from those who do it – everyone has an interest in safe, nutritious and affordable food that is produced using humane and sustainable systems, but misconceptions and confusion about what that means are widespread.
Farm & Food Care Canada provides authentic information about farming and food systems in Canada, with the goal of communicating with the 97% of people who do not farm yet want to know more about farmers and the real how’s and why’s of food production. The communication is bi-directional - through the Canadian Centre for Food Integrity, a division of Farm & Food Care Canada, information is requested annually through comprehensive surveys to listen and understand the wants and concerns of Canadians regarding food and its production. Â
At the Public Trust Summit, the was released with insights from Moms, Millenials and Foodies.
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