If you have logged on to Brightspace recently, you will have noticed a few changes to the system. The system has been upgraded with a new user interface, called Daylight, which is more responsive and streamlined.
The main advantage of the new interface is its responsive design; meaning the system works seamlessly on all devices, including phones, tablets and computers. The new look also includes a wider page layout.
Please note there are a few changes to navigation within a course and the names of a few tools have changed:
· Dropbox is now called Assignments
· News is now called Announcements
· Pager is now Instant Messages
· Edit Course is now Course Admin
The quiz tool has some improvements as well. It now has a more user-friendly interface for building the most common quiz question types: multiple choice, true/false, short answer and long answer.
You will also notice your course has a banner on the homepage with an associated image drawn randomly from an image database. This banner can be removed or the image changed. For details on how to do this, please check with either Linda Jack or Sondra Mantle in Haley 236.
The My Courses widget on the system homepage has also changed. Please note the courses that are listed in this widget are courses you have “pinned”. To change which courses are previewed in the widget, you can change the pinned courses by choosing the Select a Course grid icon – see image below.
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