Faculty & Staff

Our faculty members have distinguished themselves through their publications, teaching,Ìý and service to the academic community both at ±«Óãtv and around the world.Ìý Ìý


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Raymond Mopoho raymond.mopoho@dal.ca 902-494-2018

Undergraduate AdvisorÌý

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Iris Black imblack@dal.ca 902-494-1536

Graduate Advisor

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Jasmina Milićević jasmina.milicevic@dal.ca 902-494-1720


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Chris Elson chris.elson@dal.ca
Jasmina Milićević jasmina.milicevic@dal.ca 902-494-1720
Irène Oore
irene.oore@dal.ca 902-494-6813

Associate Professors

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Driss Aïssaoui
driss.aissaoui@dal.ca 902-494-6804
Vincent Masse vincent.masse@dal.ca 902-494-6808
Raymond Mopoho
raymond.mopoho@dal.ca 902-494-2018
Vincent Simedoh vincent.simedoh@dal.ca 902-494-6805

University Teaching Fellow

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Patricia Lee Men Chin leemenchin@dal.ca 902-494-1527
Iris Black imblack@dal.ca 902-494-1536


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Taghrid Abou Hassan
taghrid.abouhassan@dal.ca 902-494-3620