±«Óãtv Undergraduate History Society

What we do and who we are

The ±«Óãtv Undergraduate History Society (UGHS) is a student society that meets weekly during the fall and winter semesters. The society serves as a venue where history students and history buffs alikeÌýmeet and discuss interests they have in common.ÌýNew members are always welcome at any point in the academic year.

The ±«Óãtv Undergraduate History Society also leads events for the student community including, but not limited to, trivia nights, historical trips in and around Halifax, and our annual road trip. The ±«Óãtv Undergraduate History Society also produces Pangaea, our annual undergraduate journal that publishes student-authored work.

To contact the UGHS, please email: ughs@dal.ca

To join the UGHS, please fill the digital


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President: Kriti Maini

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Hey guys! I’m Kriti and I am so excited and honoured to be serving as UGHS President this year! I am currently in my fifth year of study, pursuing a combined honours in Political Science and History. I am from India but moved to Halifax with my family in 2017 and have been making the most out of this wonderful city since then. Our wonderful team has a great year planned! I hope the initiatives and efforts of the UGHS will offer you good times, memories and friendships. Do reach out if you have any questions/suggestions about the society or even about ±«Óãtv in general, want to get involved with the society, or even just to chat! (kritimaini@dal.ca)

Vice President: Harry Pressman

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Hello there! I’m Harry and I’m the vice president for the UGHS! I’m pursuing a majors and eventually honours in History with minors in Anthropology and Religious Studies. I’m particularly fascinated by Norse mythology and the many contexts it encompasses like fantasy and the medieval era. In my spare time, I love playing video games and getting philosophical. I look forward to the year and hope to see many new faces!

Treasurer: Emmett Stevenson

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Hello! My name’s Emmett, your treasurer for the UGHS! I’m in my second year of studies at ±«Óãtv double majoring in History and Classics. I’m especially interested in classical period architecture, trade, infrastructure, and culture. I’m also interested in Nordic cultures in the medieval period and religious studies. In my free time I love to run and hike, camp, generally learn about any topic I find fascinating, train for arctic expeditions, and I also love coffee! Feel free to reach out to me at (em412822@dal.ca) if you have any questions, and I look forward to seeing you at our events this year!

Secretary: Lili Schwartz

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Hi, I’m Lili! I’m a fourth year History major. This is my second year as secretary of the UGHS and I can’t wait for everything we have planned this year!

Secretary: Eleanor Peebles

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Hi! My name is Eleanor Peebles, and I am one of the secretaries this year. I’m in my last year of a double major in Early Modern Studies and History, with a minor in Esoteric and Occult Studies. There are a million areas of history I’m interested in, but a few prominent ones are the Franklin Expedition of 1845, the interconnectedness of alchemy and medicine, sixteenth and seventeenth century recipe books, and evolving perceptions of the body in the early modern period. As a student with both a King’s and ±«Óãtv major, I’m excited to be more involved in the ±«Óãtv community and to be part of the UGHS!

Social Media and Outreach Coordinator: Callie Jurmain

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Hey!! My name is Callie and I’m the social media and outreach coordinator for the UGHS. I am pursuing a combined honours in History and Contemporary Studies. Other than the UGHS I’m on the King’s soccer team and the contemporary studies society exec board. You can usually find me in Halifax’s various cafes enjoying a latte and playing NYT games. UGHS has a lot in store this year, I can’t wait to get started!

Senior Year Representative: David Cowx

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Hello, my name is David Cowx and I’m a fourth-year History and Political Science student at ±«Óãtv. Despite having no experience as a fourth year, I’m that year’s representative for the History Society, so I’m going to be making up this job as I go along! I tend to pour the most attention over both my fields into Scandinavia, especially Sweden, but I like to study other parts of the world from time to time to keep myself rounded. Otherwise, in my free time, I fence, go on walks, travel, and I have a soft spot for languages. If you ever need something translated from Swedish into messy Polish, I’m your guy!


Third Year Representative + DASS: Teymour Sarwar

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Hello! I’m Teymour, the Dal Arts and Social Sciences and third year representative for the History Society. I am in my 3rd year of undergrad majoring in History with a minor in International Development Studies. I have a particular focus on the colonial era of history and its modern political and geographical implications. I enjoy guitar, playing basketball with friends, and traveling whenever I can. I hope you can make it out to some of the events we have planned this year!


Second Year Representative: Katie Sivenpiper

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Hey guys! I’m Katie and I’m in my second year majoring in History with a certificate in Indigenous Studies. I love studying Medieval and Early Modern social and political history, with a lens on women and law. During the school year I can usually be found locking-in at a coffee shop, but in my spare time I love reading, crocheting and coaching ski racing! Feel free to email me anytime at ksievenpiper@dal.ca. I can’t wait for all the UGHS has in store for this year!!

First Year Representative: Isabella Gualtieri

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Hi, I’m Isabella (she/her)! I’m a first year student double majoring in History and Political Science, and I’m thrilled to be your first year rep! I’m particularly interested in Russian history at the turn of the 20th century, though I’ll fall down a Google rabbit hole for pretty much anything history-related. Outside of academics, I’m an avid reader, music lover, swimmer, and you can usually find me wandering downtown Halifax in search of new coffee shops. Should you have any questions (or just wanna say hi), feel free to reach out to me at igualtieri@dal.ca or instagram @izxgualtieri.

King's Representative: Jonathan Corkum

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My name is Jonathan Corkum, I am from Sackville, Nova Scotia. I’m currently enrolled at the University of King’s College in the Foundation Year Program, with some classes at ±«Óãtv. I have been passionate about studying history for a long time and I really enjoy talking with others about it. I hope to be able to engage in many interesting discussions about history related topics during my time here!

Senior Year Representative Ainsley Priddell

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Hi! My name is Ainsley, and I’m a fifth-year King's student working on a double major in History and Political Science with a certificate in Heritage Studies. I am also on the King's rugby team and am the EDIA rep for the Political Science Society. You can always find me in the King's Library reading or in the Wardroom after my work is done! I enjoy political theory and discussions around media and historical understanding after doing my certificate study on Marie Antoinette through the Eyes of a Girlblogger.  Being part of UGHS has been a blast and I am so excited for another year with the crew!