Dr. ¹ó°ù²¹²Ôç´Ç¾±²õ±ð Baylis

Baylis by Pearce 1683551280723

Additional Information


¹ó°ù²¹²Ôç´Ç¾±²õ±ð Baylis, Distinguished Research Professor, Emerita, is a philosopher whose innovative work in bioethics, at the intersection of policy and practice, has stretched the very boundaries of the field.  Her work challenges readers to think broadly and deeply about the direction of health, science and biotechnology. It aims to move the limits of mainstream bioethics and develop more effective ways to understand and tackle public policy challenges in Canada and abroad.

A public intellectual for the modern age, Baylis brings her ethical sensibilities, informed by best practices, theory and common sense, to a wide range of public issues. With a personal mantra to make the powerful care. 

Baylis is the recipient of numerous awards and accolades including most recently the 2022 Killam Prize (Humanities) and the 2023 Canada Council for the Arts Molson Prize in Humanities. She is a member of the Order of Canada and the Order of Nova Scotia, as well as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and the International Science Council. She is President-Elect of the Royal Society of Canada (2025-2028).

Select Recent Publications

Baylis, F., & Hasson, K. (2024, October 24) . The Conversation.

Baylis, F. (2024, September 23) . Impact Ethics  

Baylis, F. (2023)  Journal of Medical Ethics 49:319–321. Online 4 October 2021.

Manca, T., Baylis, F., Munoz, F.M., & Top, K.A. (2022). The Lancet, 399 (10328): 890-893.

Baylis, F., Darnovsky, M., Hasson, K., & Krahn, T. (2020)   The CRISPR Journal 3(5): 365-377.

Kofler, N. & Baylis, F. (2020).  Nature 581:379-381.

Baylis, F. (2019). . Harvard: Harvard University Press.



Select Conference Videos

. Carlton College, Minneapolis, USA. 4 April 2024. 

. UCLA Health Weinberger Vermut Genetics Ethics Lecture, [Online] 14 November 2023. 

[Online] 9 August 2022 (at 10:44).

 (1 June 2021). Plenary lecture by Francoise Baylis. CRISPR 2021. [On-line]

Select Public Speaking Videos

 (14 June 2023) Viva Technology, Paris, France. Panel including ¹ó°ù²¹²Ôç´Ç¾±²õ±ð Baylis.

 (12 April 2021). WHO Epidemic Ethics webinar. [on-line] Panel including Francoise Baylis.

 (10 February 2021) A presentation by Francoise Baylis. Wayne Morse Chair for Law and Politics. [On-line]

: How philosophy can provide frameworks for a global biotech revolution. (9 Nov 2016). Falling Walls Conference, Berlin, Germany.

Select Interviews (Podcasts, Radio, TV & Video)

S3-E1: Dr. ¹ó°ù²¹²Ôç´Ç¾±²õ±ð Baylis – , April 1, 2023

, October 3, 2022

Intelligence Squared US, 18 February 2022

Should We Use Gene Editing to Make Better Babies? , February 17, 2022. 

TOA On Air, December 7, 2021

Finding Genius Podcast. June 27, 2021