

Upcoming Event

Jewish Thought in the Face of Disasters: A Symposium 

Sunday, Sept. 22, 3:00 - 6:30 pm
Monday, Sept. 23, 9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Board Room, King’s College
Arts and Administration Building, 2nd floor
6350 Coburg Road

Day 1: Sunday, Sept. 22, 3:00 - 6:30 pm

  • Opening Remarks: Daniel Brandes, University of King's College 
  • Martin Kavka (Florida State University) - “Spinoza's Christian Enemies: On Jewish-Christian Relations A Century after Schmitt"
  • Paula Schwebel (Toronto Metropolitan University) - "Melancholy Sovereignty and the Politics of Sin"
  • Meirav Jones (McMaster University) - “The Catastrophe of Human Sovereignty and the Subversive Potential of Wrestling with God”

Day 2:  Monday, Sept. 23, 9:30 AM - 1:00 pm

  • Mara Benjamin (Mt. Holyoke College) - "The World-to-Come and Ecological Collapse"
  • Dustin Atlas (Queen’s University) - "Living Disaster: No Hope or Fear"

The symposium is presented by King’s College and the ±«Óătv University Department of Classics, Program in Religious Studies, and Department of Philosophy and convened by the Simon and Riva Spatz Chair in Jewish Studies at ±«Óătv University.
For more details, please consult the .
For pre-circulated papers to be discussed at the workshop please e-mail eva.mroczek@dal.ca

Religious Studies at ±«Óătv


The Religious Studies program is administered by the Department of Classics