Jonathan Amoyaw, PhD
Assistant Professor

Mailing Address:
- (Im)migration
- Transnationalism & Integration
- Population Health
- Youth & Family
- Social Transitions & Trajectories
- Social Statistics
PhD (Sociology),Western University,
M.A (Sociology), Western University
B.A (HONOURS in Sociology) University of Ghana, Ghana
Research interests
Dr. Amoyaw is a sociologist whose research investigates the social processes that sustain and reproduce social inequality. Much of his work focuses on understanding the myriad ways in which social disadvantage cumulates over the life course and across generations and how they can be addressed in a sustained manner. He examines how social policy, family structures and dynamics, social transitions, and social identities drive socioeconomic and health disparities. His current and future projects focus on 1) the effect of family structures on vulnerability to adverse health outcomes, 2) the intergenerational effects of immigrants’ transnational engagements and precarious legal status transitions and 3) how early family transitions impact the wellbeing of adolescents. Dr. Amoyaw’s research advances new conceptual and methodological insights relevant to scholarship on the dynamics and contexts of social vulnerability and inequality.
Selected publications
2020 Â Â Yoshida, Y. & Amoyaw, J. Looking Beyond Labour Market Integration:Household conditions surrounding refugee children in Canada. In A, Korntheuer, P. Pritchard, D. B. Maehler, and L. Wilkinson (Eds.), Refugees in Canada and Germany: Responses in policy and practice. GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences.
2019 Â Â Boateng, G. O., Okoye, D., Amoyaw, J., & Luginaah, I. Six decades after independence: the enduring influence of missionary activities on regional wealth inequalities in Ghana. Journal of Economic Geography.
2017 Â Â Atuoye, K. N., Amoyaw, J. A., Kuuire, V. Z., Kangmennaang, J., Boamah, S. A., Vercillo, S., Antabe, R., McMorris, M., & Luginaah, I. Utilisation of skilled birth attendants over time in Nigeria and Malawi. Global Public Health, 12(6), 728-743.
2016 Â Â Amoyaw, J. A., & Luginaah, I. Residential spaces and timing of first sexual intercourse among never-married youths in Nigeria. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-10.
2016   Amoyaw J. & Abada T. Does helping them benefit me? Examining the emotional cost and benefit of immigrants’ pecuniary remittance behaviour in Canada. Social Science and Medicine, 182-192.
2016 Â Â Boamah, S. A., Amoyaw, J., & Luginaah, I. Explaining the gap in antenatal care service utilization between younger and older mothers in Ghana. Journal of Biosocial Science, 48(03), 342-357.