

FCS Career Development Programs

The Faculty of Computer Science provides dedicated career support for all FCS students. The following workshops, industry events, and planning resources will help students develop job ready skills, perfect job search strategies, and connect with tech industry representatives.

Career Development Program Guide

Current Programs

Program Name Description Theme
Get your Professional Headshots A professional photo is a great tool to showcase an online presence on career networking sties like LinkedIn. The this session students can pose for a professional photo that can be used for LinkedIn and other professional profiles. Job seeking Tools
Careers in Computer Science A Computer Science degree is a gateway to many different career paths. In this session you will learn about the many different jobs you could do within the tech industry and beyond. Career planning
LinkedIn Glow-up: How to create an effective online portfolio LinkedIn is an important networking tool that can aid career progression, but building a profile that attracts interest can be difficult. In this session participants will learn how to create an authentic and impactful LinkedIn profile.  Job seeking Tools
Ask a Recruiter (Resume review/feedback) sessions  A resume is a requirment for many job applications. In this session participants will have their resumes reviewed by professional recruites and get valuable feedback. Job seeking Tools
How to secure a co-op workshop Students enrolled in the co-op program must search and apply for co-op jobs. In this session participants will learn how to find co-op jobs, how to apply and how to network with co-op employers at job fairs. Job search strategy
Here We Code Tech Career Fair Career Fairs are a great way to meet representatives from companies looking to hire tech workers. In this Career Fair, students will meet employers looking to meet prospective tech workers. Job search strategy
Preparing to apply for co-op: Co-op expectation vs reality The co-op program allows students to gain valuable job experience alongside their studies, but applying to co-op can be confusing and challenging. In this session students will learn what co-op requirments are, the role of the SITE office, and tasks students must fulfill in order to be registered in the co-op program and complete it successfully. Career planning
Industry Showcase This information session showcases a different company every week. Participants get the opportunity to learn directly from recruiters and employers about job opportunites. Networking
Alumni Panel Dal Computer Science students have gone on to have amazing careers after graduation. In this session participants will meet a panel of distinguished alumni who will share their career journey and the strategies they used to find work in a competitive job market. Career planning
Employer Fireside Chat Series Many people want jobs but aren't aware of what employers are looking for. How do they chose candidates to interview and eventually hire? In this session participants will gain valuable insight into enployer hiring practices, the skills employers are looking for and career progression in the industry. Job skill development
Professional Networking Event for Indigenous students There are many successul indigenous professionals with plenty of advice on navigating the job market. In this session participants will meet indigenous professionals and learn the strategies they used to achieve success in the job market. Networking
Halifax Career Fair The Halifax Career Fair is the largest Career Fair in the city of Halifax. Organized by the Bissett Student Success Centre, this fair will host many companies looking to hire new professionals. Networking and Job search strategy
Informational Interviewing skills: Leveraging and using LinkedIn to meet your network contacts An important part of networking involves meeting with professionals and finding moreabout the work they do. In this session students will learn how to engage contacts and build professional relationships overe LinkedIn. Job search strategy
Mastering the Job Interview Job interviews are required in order to secure a job at most companie, however interviews can be intimading and difficult to maneuver. This session students will learn about the interview types used in the tech industry, how to preapre for the interviews and how to successfully respond to interview questions. Career planning
Strategic Resume Strategy: How to create resumes that lead to interviews A resume is arguably the most important job search tool, but many people use resumes with limited success. In this session students will learn how to Improve the quality of their resumes by emphasizing their skills and tailoring their resumes to the job description. Job seeking tools
The take-off: Getting started for Entrepreneurs Many students have amazing start up ideas but don't know how to bring them from conception to reality. In this session students will learn about the resources available to help prospective entrepreneurs grow their ideas from thoughts to a real business. Career planning
Women in Tech Career Development Despite the stereotype of tech as a male dominated industry, there are many successful female tech leaders. In this session participants will learn about the barriers women face in tech and strategies to overcome them. Networking
Priming Your Job Search Looking for a job can be challenging, but with an intentional, well planned strategy students can secure amazing employment opportunities. In this workshop students will learn how to implement an effective job search strategy. Job search strategy
Working in Canada Series for international students While studying International students can work in Canada if they meet certain conditions. In this session students will learn about the various work opportunites available to study permit holders and how to maintain eligibility to work in Canada.  Career planning
Part-time Tech Jobs: How to earn money and build tech career experience simultaneously Many students take on part-time jobs unrelated to tech, but it is possible to find work that requires Computer Science knowledge and skills. In this workshop students will learn how to find and apply for these opportunities.  Career planning
Academic Choices and Career Development: Find out how your academic choices affect your career goals Picking the right courses can help you build knowledge and skills for specific industries. This session participants can learn about the courses, certificates and programs to preapre them for their areas of interest. Career planning
Black in Tech Networking Event There are many successul African Nova Scotian professionals with plenty of advice on navigating the job market. In this session participants will meet African Nova Scotian professionals and learn the strategies they used to achieve success in the job market. Networking
Beyond the Big 4: The opportunities beyond Google, Meta, Amazon and Microsoft Big Tech companies are well known and many students dream of finding work there. However there are many other tech companies looking to hire and may offer even better career prospects. In this session students will learn about the smaller companies in the industry and why being open to their opportunities can be a better career option than solely focusing on the biggest tech companies. Job search strategy
Halifax Winter Career Fair The Winter Career Fair takes place in the winter semester. Organized by the Bissett Student Success Centre, this fair will host many companies looking to hire new professionals and co-op students. Networking
Perfecting your soft skills People new to the tech industry assume gaining the right technical skills is a guarantee to securing employment in the industry. While technical skills are important employers also want workers with soft skills. In this session participants will learn what soft skills are and how to perfect them. Job skill development
Pivoting in Tech: When and how to make a career shift Throughout your degree you may be introduced to new fields in tech that may cause you to divert from your previous academic and career plan. This may seem like a setback but change is constant in the tech industry. In this session you will learn how to adap if you are interested in a career pivot. Career planning
Here We Code Month During Here We Code Month the Faculty of Computer Science celebrates the expansion of the tech industry in Nova Scotia. Throughout the moth there are several events where students can network with industry professionals and learn more about the growing tech landscape in the province. Networking