
The School of Health and Human Performance wants to ensure that all students in our programs are treated equitably. ±«Óătv also has a number of policies addressing issues such as academic integrity and sexual harassment. Know your rights and responsibilities - see the sections below and visit the Services for Students website.

Affirmative Action and Retention Policy

See the Programs section for more information about the School of Health and Human Performance's Affirmative Action and Retention Policy.

Academic Integrity

At ±«Óătv University, adherence to the values of academic integrity and related policies is a requirement of being part of the academic community.
What does academic integrity mean?

Academic integrity means being honest in the fulfillment of your academic responsibilities, thus establishing mutual trust. Fairness is essential to the interactions of the academic community and is achieved through respect for the opinions and ideas of others.

about what it means to you as a student - and what you can do to ensure you uphold it.

Bereavement or Funeral Policy

It is recognized that students may need to take a bereavement or funeral leave during their studies at ±«Óătv University. The following was developed to provide a better understanding of the School of Health and Human Performance’s policy regarding such a leave. As reference, the Canada Labour Code was used (Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, 2009; Saint-Cyr, 2007).

Who is entitled to bereavement leave? 

When an immediate family member dies, the student is entitled to up to seven consecutive calendar days away from the school. Immediate family is defined as the student’s spouse or common-law partner; the student’s father and mother, and the spouse or common-law partner of the father or mother; the student’s child(ren) and the child(ren) of the student’s spouse or common-law partner; the student’s grandchild(ren); the student’s brother(s) and sister(s); the grandfather and grandmother of the student; the father and mother of the spouse or common-law partner of the student and the spouse or common-law partner of the father or mother; and any relative of the student who resides permanently with him/her or with whom the student permanently resides.

“Common-law partner” means a person who has been cohabiting with an individual in a conjugal relationship for at least one year, or who had been so cohabiting with the individual for at least one year immediately before the individual’s death.

Other Funeral Leave

Students may take one to three days off to attend the funeral of a close, non-family member or family members that do not fall under the remainder family member bereavement leave.


Students should contact a Student Services Advisor as soon as possible to allow him/her to contact necessary course instructors. Students will be required to provide evidence of the death of the family member to the Student Services Administrator.

If the leave is to extend beyond 7 consecutive calendar days, the student should once again contact the SSA to determine whether arrangements can be made to miss additional time. The student may also need to consult with individual course instructors on whether or not it is feasible to miss additional time and still be successful in the course(s). In cases where a student will be/has been absent for longer than a week, it may be advisable for the student to consider withdrawing from the term's classes. In this case, the student should discuss the options with the SSA.

Responsibilities for Missed Course Work

Extensions and other accommodations are made at the discretion of the individual instructor. Students will be required to make arrangements with each course instructor to complete missed course work, including tests or exams.

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. (2009).  Labour: Bereavement leave: Part III of the Canada Labour Code (Labour Standards). Retrieved October 20, 2010 at .

Saint-Cyr, Y. (2007). Bereavement leave. HR info desk:  Canadian payroll and employment law at work. First Reference Inc. Retrieved October 20, 2010 at ? article=23673. 

Accepted by Undergraduate Advisory Committee (UAC) on October 28,  2010
Submitted to Committee of the Whole, School of Health and Human Performance on November 3, 2010

Regulations and Grading Scale

Syllabi Regulations and Grading Scale

COURSE OUTLINES: Students will be responsible for keeping copies of their course outlines from all courses taken throughout their degree.  This is for future use when applying to other institutions that may require an outline of the course you are requesting transfer credit for.

IMPORTANT: It is the sole responsibility of each student to read the Regulations outlined in their Syllabi.


Numeric Range





A +




Considerable evidence of original thinking; demonstrated outstanding capacity to analyze and synthesize; outstanding grasp of subject matter; evidence of extensive knowledge base.




A -



B +




Evidence of grasp of subject matter; some evidence of critical capacity and analytical ability; reasonable understanding of relevant issues; evidence of familiarity with the literature.




B -







Evidence of some understanding of the subject matter; ability to develop solutions to simple problems; benefiting from his/her university experience.




C -






Marginal Pass

Evidence of minimally acceptable (except in programs where a minimum grade of “C” is required) familiarity with subject matter, critical and analytical skills.





Insufficient evidence of understanding of the subject matter; weakness in critical and analytical skills, limited or irrelevant use of literature.

In cases where a student does not complete the work and no other grade is appropriate, F should be reported.










Neutral and no credit obtained

Withdrew after deadline




Neutral and no credit obtained

Compassionate reasons, illness












Transfer credit on admission


Storage of Exams

Final exams will be kept for ONE SEMESTER beyond the term in which the course is taught. If a student receives an INC or ILL grade, the final exam will be retained by the faculty member for 2 years beyond the term.