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The School of Occupational Therapy Wins the First Ever FHP Fun Run/Walk Challenge

Posted by Laura Hynes Jenkins on October 23, 2014 in News

This Homecoming, the Faculty of Health Professions challenged our ten schools and college to submit a team in Dal’s inaugural Tiger Fun Run. To get the competition going, the Dean announced that the winner of the FHP Fun Run/Walk Challenge would receive $500 towards a school reception.

Throughout September and October the competition was fierce with first one school then another taking the lead in the team-building competition. FHP heavyweight Health and Human Performance was one of the first out of the gate and ended up with a whopping 75 people on their team.

Always competitive, Physiotherapy was a force to be reckoned with at the Fun Run with the highest number of alumni team members. Physios accounted for 17 of the 58 FHP alumni who took part.

Clinical Vision Science and Human Communication Disorders punched well above their weight with 28 and 17 team members respectively. CVS managed to scoop up the Dean as a team member! These small schools definitely had a big presence on race day!

A big shout out to Health Administration students and Nursing students and staff for coming out to represent their schools. While not large in number, they were full of school spirit!

Two of the most noticeable teams on race day, Pharmacy and Social Work, set a high bar for the criteria to incorporate a prop from their profession. It was hard to miss the 30 Pharmacy team members adorned in purple, their race day pill bottles rattling everywhere they went.

The Social Work picketers in their brightly coloured shirts made quite an impression as they waved their picket signs promoting inclusion, diversity and other social justice principles as they completed the 5 km trek.

As the competition intensified in the final days before the race, Dean Webster decided to include a second place prize. The runner-up team would receive $250 towards a school social.

One of the most determined recruiters, Health Sciences pulled out all the stops in order to submit the best team. On race day, they were easily identified in their lab coats and gloves, awash in silver sparkles. One of the smallest schools in the Health Professions, Health Sciences has set a high bar for future competitions and is already making plans to spend their winnings!

The School of Occupational Therapy was the clear winner of the FHP Fun Run Challenge. With 66 team members, an alumnus from their inaugural graduation year and solid representation from students, staff, faculty and alumni, OT was the only team who met all of the criteria. Decked out in pink, OT recruited team members from their professional association and gave distance students an opportunity to participate virtually. Congratulations to the School of OT!

The Faculty of Health Professions congratulates all teams for a stellar performance and thanks the team captains and other volunteers for all their hard work. We hope everyone enjoyed the first ever FHP Fun Run/Walk Challenge and we hope to see you out next year!

Check out our Fun Run photo gallery (most photos by Nick Pearce, with the last three by Anne Godden-Webster) and see more on
