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Applications open for Leon & Rose Zitner Prize

Posted by Dal Health Communications on April 24, 2024 in News

Leon & Rose Zitner Prize

Deadline is May 15, 2024. Decisions announced by July 1 2024.

Prize amount: $5,000

A prize for outstanding contributions to citizen knowledge and community engagement in the area of health, broadly defined, including yet not limited to: personal, collective, social, structural, environmental, clinical, spiritual, biopsychosocial, cultural, and political dimensions of well-being.

±«Óãtv students are invited to nominate themselves for this award by presenting evidence of theoretical, practical, or service-oriented work that demonstrates the following criteria:

  1. Provides a critical analysis of evidence (including relevant citations) and thoughtfully evaluates a range of points of view
  2. Connects with a health-related issue
  3. Challenges the boundaries of conventional knowledge
  4. Engages with the community that the work advocates for, supports and/or is an ally of; or defines the scope for collaboration or future interdisciplinary work

Please note, this prize is not meant to provide funding for proposed, ongoing, or future research.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be enrolled in undergraduate or graduate studies, including professional programs, within one of the following Faculties at ±«Óãtv University: Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Health, Faculty of Dentistry, or Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences.

How to Apply

Submit the following information in a Microsoft Word or PDF

  1. Student details. Name, Faculty, Contact Information (Phone Number and Email) Type of work being submitted. Examples include, but are not limited to, academic paper or essay; community- based project; social media campaign; recording of a theatre or musical production; series of blogs or vlogs; website.
  2. Description of the work. Include a copy of the work, or a link to the work. Please note, the copy of the work is included in the page limit. Ensure to condense the copy of the work to comply with page limit.
  3. A statement that describes how the work reflects the five criteria identified above. Maximum 750 Words. Ensure that you speak to each of the four criteria clearly.
  4. Your involvement with the work. Specifically outline how you contributed to the work, ensuring that you did a substantial part of the project. If the work was done with others, highlight why you deserve the award as an individual and ensure that you have permission from the rest of the team to submit the application.

Important: The submission must consist of ONE file that is no more than 10 pages long (standard A4 formatting), of original work or research AND your written responses to the above steps. Judges will only see the first 10-page submission, as a point of fairness to all other submissions meeting this condition. Additional pages, appendices, and/or submissions only consisting of published works will be removed before adjudication. Links to the candidate’s other works may be included in the text of the submission, but will be used at the judges’ discretion.

Send completed submission to HPI@dal.ca by midnight May 15, 2024 and include "Leon & Rose Zitner Prize Application" in the subject line

Past winners
