Welcome Video

What you need to know for your first visit

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Illustrated Transcript

Collaborative Health Education Building exteriorWelcome to the Centre for Collaborative Clinical Learning and Research, or C3LR, located on the third floor of the Collaborative Health Education Building.

Tiger mascot wavingRoary the Dal tiger is going to give us the grand tour!

Tiger mascot in a clinic roomThe C3LR is where learners practice and acquire hands-on skills for their future clinical professions. We have 24 clinic rooms,

Debriefing meeting roomsix training and debriefing rooms,

Tiger mascot in a patient care labthree patient care labs,

Tiger mascot in an apartmentand a simulated apartment.

When traveling through the centre, don’t cut through the clinic hallways. Use the main hallways so you don’t disrupt other events.

We have lockers for students and staff. Bring your own lock, and take your stuff home at the end of the day.

Ceiling-mounted camera and microphoneYou’ll notice cameras and microphones in every room to record your learning.

Professor watching tiger mascot on large video screenYour instructor will let you know when videorecording will occur.

Professor inspecting medical equipmentWe’re all responsible for safety. Inspect equipment before using it to ensure proper working order.

Tiger mascot holding toolboxIf something breaks, let us know so we can fix it.

Tiger mascot making shushing gestureThe C3LR is a professional clinical workplace. Keep voices and noise levels low.

Tiger mascot in lobby eating plush zebraFor longer conversations, head to the first floor. It’s a great place to chat and eat lunch.

The centre—like all of ±«Óătv—is a scent-free space. Refrain from using scented products.

Professor consoling injured tiger mascot while talking on telephoneIf you hurt yourself at the centre, report it immediately to faculty or staff. They’ll help you figure out what to do next.

Now that we’ve covered the general workings of the C3LR, let’s look at the clinic rooms.

When adjusting the doughnut end of a plinth, hold the headrest before turning the knob to avoid getting pinched.

The bed tray foot could damage the motor under the plinth. Only use the bed tray at the end of the plinth, and only when in the seated position.

Tiger mascot chiding professor sitting on bedtray tableDon’t sit on desks or bed trays.

Tiger mascot sitting on cushioned filing cabinetThe cushioned filing cabinets double as extra seating.

Tiger mascot putting soiled linen into linen bagWhen linens are used, strip the plinth and place soiled linen in the linen bags in the hallways.

Tiger mascot and professor congratulating each other after making bedRemake the bed with fresh linen and a johnny shirt.

Tiger mascot pointing to guide on back of doorAt the end of your session, return the room to the standard setup using the guide on the back of the door.

Now that you know about the clinic rooms, let’s check out the mannequins in the patient care labs.

Wash your hands before handling mannequins.

Professor and tiger mascot carefully adjusting mannequin positionBe gentle when moving the mannequins. Parts can be broken with rough handling.

Professor and tiger mascot lifting a mannequin togetherMannequins are heavy so their weight can injure you, and their joints may pinch or bruise you. Get help to move them.

Professor opening drawer to show mannequin partsKeep all mannequin parts together so they don’t get lost. Place loose items in the bedside table next to each mannequin.

SimPad and battery connected to chargerWhen you’re moving mannequins, ensure their battery and leg pack match up to the Simpad at the bedside. Keep the battery pack and Simpad plugged in when not in use.

Don’t use pens or markers near the mannequins as the ink will stain them. Use pencil only.

Don’t drop mannequins on the floor as this may cause permanent damage.

Tiger wiping paintbrush on mannequin head with large red X superimposed onscreenDon’t apply moulage or other products such as make-up, betadine, or blood without first checking with staff whether it’ll stain the mannequins.

Tiger mascot carrying lunchbag and coffee cup with large red X superimposed onscreenDon’t eat or drink in the labs, or near the mannequins.

Professor wearing firefighter helmet with face shield and tiger mascot holding flashlight operating patient transfer liftThe patient care labs and simulated apartment have lifts. Never operate them without proper instruction and permission, and never exceed their weight limits.

Visually inspect the lifts prior to use and return them to their charging stations after use.

Tiger mascot giving thumbs up sign while professor puts away equipmentAlways return items and equipment to their original location and setup after use.

Centre staff waving at cameraThanks for watching our tour of the C3LR. If you have any additional questions please check with your instructor or facilitator. We look forward to seeing you here at the Centre for Collaborative Clinical Learning and Research!