Honours Thesis / Major Project Proposal Presentations

All faculty, staff, students and supporters of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences are invited to attend the Honours Thesis / Major Project Proposal Presentations on December 2nd and 3rd.

This is a great opportunity for future Honour’s students to get an idea of what a thesis proposal looks like, and a chance for faculty in the EES Department and throughout the Faculty of Science to see what our students are up to. The presentations will be in person in the Killam Library Room 4106 (if a zoom link is required, please contact tarah.wright@dal.ca directly). Please feel free to join for as many presentations as you can.

The schedule is as follows:


Investigating the effects of forestry road crossings on stream health and benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the St. Mary’s River, Nova Scotia (M’ikma’ki).
Student:  Mary Legorburu
Supervisor: Mr. Ben Collison and Dr. Alana Westwood


Defining timing of early breeding phenology in Atlantic Leach's Storm-Petrels (Hydrobates leucorhous)
Student:  Sasha Chilibeck
Supervisor: Dr. Glen Crossin


Investigation of heavy metal exposure levels in a pelagic seabird, Leach’s storm petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) during the non-breeding season in the Atlantic Ocean
Student:  Catherine Potvin
Supervisor: Drs. Glen Crossins and Manon Sorais


Quantifying edge influence at Acadian forest region fire edges
Student:  Faye Little
Supervisor: Dr. Karen Harper


Evaluating till stratigraphy and the relationship to transport distance in southwestern Nova Scotia
Student:  Bailey Grodin
Supervisor: Dr. John Gosse and Ms. Denise Brushett


Carboniferous Sarcopterygian â€‹Fish Fossils and the Marine Paleoenvironment at Joggins Fossils Cliffs, Nova Scotia, Canada​
Student: Brooke Reid
Supervisor: Drs. Grant Wach and Jade Atkins


Mapping rivers in eastern Canada using drone thermal imaging
Student:  Alex Bevilacqua
Supervisor: Dr. Robert Lennox




Killam Library, Room 4106