Honours Thesis / Major Project Proposal Presentations

All faculty, staff, students and supporters of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences are invited to attend the Honours Thesis / Major Project Proposal Presentations on December 2nd and 3rd.

This is a great opportunity for future Honour’s students to get an idea of what a thesis proposal looks like, and a chance for faculty in the EES Department and throughout the Faculty of Science to see what our students are up to. The presentations will be in person in the Killam Library Room 4106 (if a zoom link is required, please contact tarah.wright@dal.ca directly). Please feel free to join for as many presentations as you can.

The schedule is as follows:


Modelling Forest Fire Vulnerability in Nova Scotia Using Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis 
Student:   Grace Kasouf
Supervisor: Dr. Chris Greene


Conservation Options for the Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis) in Working Forests of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia: BMP and Modelled Habitat Assessment
Student:   Zoe Coulter
Supervisor: Dr. Cindy Staicer


Examination of unique preservation and identification of enigmatic fossil tree specimens from Nova Scotia
Student:  Wednesday Gillespie
Supervisor:  Drs. Lexie Arnott and Tim Fedak


Dating calcite amygdules in McArras Brook Basalts using LA-ICP-MS
Student:  Ben Thompson
Supervisor:  Dr. Richard Cox


What’s that smell? Chemically characterizing nest scents of native Nova Scotian freshwater turtle species
Student:  Robyn Hirsch
Supervisor: Dr. Amy Mui


What Tree Traits Influence Carbon and Nitrogen Concentration in Canadian Forest Soils?
Student:  Allie Pell
Supervisor: Dr. Sian Kou-Giesbrecht


Exploring the terrestrial carbon sink at a global scale: exploring the effects of nitrogen fixation, nitrogen deposition and carbon dioxide fertilization
Student:   Paige MacCarthy
Supervisor:  Dr. Sian Kou-Giesbrecht





Killam Library, Room 4106