

Courses Offered

The Earth Sciences major is a program focused on understanding Planet Earth, including its origin, the geophysical forces that shape its surface, the chemistry of its constituent materials, geochemical and biogeochemical processes, the biology of its past inhabitants as revealed by fossils, and Climate Change. Clues on the origin of the planet are also sought in the study of other extraterrestrial bodies.  Students receive practical training in the identification of Earth’s constituent rocks and minerals, as well as the physical and chemical processes by which they form.  Other courses allow students to explore the processes for and distribution of Earth's physical resources such as fossil fuels, minerals, and water and limits to and consequences of the use of these resources by humans. Field schools in third and fourth years, as well as summer research and co-operative education opportunities, provide students with the experience and support they need to prepare for careers as Professional Geoscientists, or graduate and professional education.

*Note: Not all courses may be offered every year. Some courses not show here may have been retired. For current courses, please consult the Timetable and the Academic Calendar.

First Year Courses

Course Number Course Name Term Course Syllabus
ERTH 1030.03 Introduction to Physical Geography Winter
ERTH 1060.03 Natural Disasters
ERTH 1080.03 Geology I (Section 1) Fall
ERTH 1080.03 Geology I (Section 2) Winter
ERTH 1090.03 Geology II Winter ERTH1090
ERTH 1091.03 Geology II - No Lab Winter  
GEOG 1035.03 Human Geography Winter


Second Year Courses

Course Number Course Name Term Course Syllabus
ERTH 2001.03 Mineralogy Fall
ERTH 2002.03 Introduction to Petrology Winter  
ERTH 2020.03 Journey Through The Solar System Fall
ERTH 2110.03 Field Methods 
ERTH 2203.03 Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks
ERTH 2205.03 Introduction to Paleontology Winter ERTH2205
ERTH 2270.03
Introduction to Applied Geophysics
ERTH 2380.03 Geochemistry
ERTH 2410.03 Environmental Issues in Earth Sciences Fall
ERTH 2430.03
Forensic and Medical Geology 
GEOG 2000.03 Cartography Fall


Third Year Courses

Course Numner Course Name Term
Course Syllabus
ERTH 3001.03 Earth Sciences Field School Summer ERTH3001
ERTH 3010.03 Igneous Petrology
ERTH 3020.03 Metamorphic Petrology Winter
ERTH 3140.03 Structural Geology Winter
ERTH 3270.03 The Solid Earth Winter
ERTH 3302.03 Quaternary Depositional Environments Fall
ERTH 3303.03 Stratigraphy Fall
ERTH 3401.03 Hydrogeology Winter
ERTH 3440.03 Geomorphology Winter
ERTH 3500.03 GIScience and Spatial Data Fall
ERTH 3500.03 GIScience and Spatial Data Summer
ERTH 3601.03 Global Biogeochemical Cycles Winter
ERTH 3701.03 Fundamentals of Hydrology Fall


Fourth Year Courses

Course Number Course Name Term Course Syllabus
ERTH 4001.03 Sponsored Geologic Experience   ERTH4001
ERTH 4010.03 Advanced Topics in Petrology and Geochemistry  
ERTH 4100X/Y Research Project Fall/Winter
ERTH 4110.03 Geological Oceanography Winter
ERTH 4131.03 Advanced Petroleum Geoscience Winter ERTH4131
ERTH 4151.03 Mineral Deposits Winter
ERTH 4153.03 Petroleum Geology Fall
ERTH 4157.03 Petroleum Geoscience Field Methods Winter
ERTH 4200X/Y Honours Thesis Fall/Winter
ERTH 4350.03 Tectonics Fall
ERTH 4410.03 Environmental Geoscience Fall ERTH4410
ERTH 4470.03 Introduction to Seismic Imaging Winter ERTH4470
ERTH 4480.03 Advanced Seismic Imaging   ERTH4480
ERTH 4510.03 Directed Readings Fall or Winter
ERTH 4520.03 GIS Applications to Environmental and Geological Sciences Winter
ERTH 4530.03 Environmental Remote Sensing Fall
ERTH/GEOG 4530.03 Environmental Remote Sensing Summer
ERTH 4850.03 Geographic Information Science Research Project Winter



The following courses are especially appropriate electives for non-Earth Science students. Other courses may be too, depending on a student's interests and coursework background. Please enquire of the instructor if you are interested in another course.

Courses without prerequisites

  • ERTH 1030 Introduction to Physical Geography
  • ERTH 1060 Natural Disasters
  • ERTH 1080 Geology I
  • ERTH 2020 A Journey Through the Solar System
  • ERTH 3500 Geoscience Information Management (3rd year status required)

Courses with prerequisites

  • ERTH 1090 Geology 2
  • ERTH 2410 Environmental Issues
  • ERTH 2420 Dinosaurs