Frequently Asked Questions

What are the minimum requirements for the Master of Marine Management degree?

Applicants to the MMM must satisfy general requirements for admission to the Faculty of Graduate Studies (Faculty of Graduate Studies - general admission requirements). Additionally, we require students to have a four-year Bachelor's Degree from a university of recognized standing with honours or its equivalent, with a minimum letter grade average of B (equivalent to a 3.0 GPA, 73% or Second Class Honours, Upper Division). 

When do students undertake the internship?

Students undertake their internships normally in the summer term. Students are registered as Full-Time students during this term.

How long does the program typically take to complete?

Students are fully committed for the entire 16 months, including the summer term.

I do not have an undergraduate degree in marine science. Do I have the appropriate background to undertake the MMM degree program?

The Marine Affairs Program seeks to enroll students from a wide variety of disciplines. Students enter the program from science, social science, law, policy, political science, engineering, planning, economics and business.  MAP supports the interdisciplinary diversity because it ensures a horizontal learning environment (i.e. student to student) as well as the more traditional vertical situation (i.e. instructor to student).

Do I need to identify a supervisor prior to applying to the MMM program

An academic supervisor does not need to be identified prior to the start of the MMM program. Selection of supervisors takes place during the first 2 terms of the degree program, usually in conjunction with choosing a research topic for the Graduate Project.

Is this a thesis or course-based program?

The MMM is a course-based, non-thesis program. You will be required to complete a graduate project at the end of your degree. Examples of past graduate projects can be found on the

Are the 16 months of the Marine Affairs Program continuous?

The MMM degree program begins in September of each year and runs continuously for 16 months, for full-time students.