, contains information on the statistics profession, job postings, continuingeducation, workshops, seminars, and professional development opportunities.
, contains information on undergraduate programs in the statistical sciences and offers profiles of statisticians at various levels of industry, academia, and government.
contain contact information for the school, what degrees are offered, and a brief description of the program(s).
Amstat News is the monthly membership magazine of the American Statistical Association and covers industry events, membership news, and "Career Corner" articles. Periodically, the entire September issue is devoted to Careers in Statistics.
STATS: The Magazine for Students of Statistics is published three times per year and features stories, career information, student experiences, and humor. This magazine is included in an annual student membership.
Chance Magazine is published quarterly and is a general interest magazine with articles and departments featuring timely and entertaining material on the world of statistics.
Web site provides career snapshots and profiles.
The American Statistical Association (ASA) provides interested individuals with other brochures and publications, such as: