Graduate Program

Learn with Top Professors in Their Fields

The Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science has a long tradition in both pure and applied research with close ties and cross-appointments with the Departments of Chemistry and Oceanography and the Faculties of Engineering and Medicine. Our students also come from a diverse background, including physics, atmospheric science, chemistry, electrical and mechanical engineering. In this way, our department provides our students with a rich and intellectually stimulating environment. We are ranked among the top physics departments in Canada in terms of research dollars per capita, with over $5M in funding annually that provides students with cutting edge research opportunities.

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Research Areas

Atmospheric Science, Astronomy, Biophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Material Physics, and Medical Physics.

Pre-Application Form
Candidates must satisfy the general requirements for admission to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. A minimum GPA of 3.5 is recommended for graduate admission to our departmental graduate programs. Prospective graduate students are encouraged to first submit an online pre-application form to the Department of Physics & Atmospheric Science before making a formal application. This application also connects prospective graduate students to potential supervisors.

For more information on our graduate program, please contact us at

Please visit the Faculty of Graduate Studies site for more information on admission requirements, postdoctoral fellows, funding, and more.

Centres and Labs

Program Details


Funding and Support