Video: Architecture float lights up holiday parade

- December 16, 2004

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46 sec Format: QuickTime
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Video: Architecture float lights up holiday parade

Architecture's entry in the 2004 Parade of Lights provided a moving video of the parade's spectators lining the streets. The images were instantaneously displayed on the exterior of the float's geodesic dome, which was shrouded in white to create a projection screen.

Piercey's kindly donated the wood used for construction; and a family member of Emily Kearns provided the use of a trailer to get the project moving.

students making float
Architecture students Mitz Delisle, of Victoria; Nina Rubenstein, of San Diego; Rayleen Hill, of Dartmouth; and Emily Kearns, of Halifax, working on the construction of the 2004 Parade of Lights Float.
