Celebrating our own

- June 7, 2006


tvÕs new research magazine Ð OutFront: Research that Matters Ð was officially launched recently at a breakfast themed ÒCelebrating Our Own.”

The magazine highlights some of our best and brightest researchers who have devoted their lives to resisting the status quo, striving to take the ordinary and make it extraordinary. In many cases, their findings are directly related to the ongoing wellbeing of Canadians.

OutFront will be published twice yearly, in the spring and the fall. It tells the stories simply and interestingly Ð making them readable and relevant for the person on the street. Copies of the magazine are available by e-mailing outfront@dal.ca

Excellence recognized
CFIÕs senior vice president Carmen Charette and tv president Tom Traves presented plaques to the following researchers:

Dirk Arnold
Christian Blouin
Stephen Brooks
Shannon Bard
Suzanne Budge
Kevin Duffy
Robbie Jamieson
Joseph Bielawski
Daniel Marsh
Yung-Hua Li
Laura Turculet
Alan Doucette
Kishore Pasumarthi
Juan Zhou
Bjorn Nashan
Raja Adbul-Majid
Jean-Francois Legare
Mark Walsh

Eighteen Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) plaques were also awarded to recipients of funding from the New Opportunities Fund (now called the Leaders Opportunity Fund) which provides researchers with essential infrastructure that will provide an enriched research training environment.